Marketer Journal Features Article by Julie Shaffer, CPSM

The August 2019 issue of SMPS’ Marketer Journal is focused on technology and automation with an article written by Julie Shaffer, CPSM, Owner of Shaffer Creative.
The article titled, “Automate and Expedite Your Submittals: InDesign Quick Tips” includes Julie’s favorite quick tips for automating and expediting proposal workflow— making proposal development more efficient and consistent. Using screenshots and narrative, Julie discusses styles, scripts, and GREP for easier layout and design. View the full article below or contact us to request a full PDF.
Julie is an Adobe Certified Expert in InDesign CC and respected industry leader for hands-on training. She has presented at national conferences on graphics, branding, marketing/communications strategy, and proposal development. She is a past president and current member of SMPS Fort Worth.
Marketer is the bimonthly publication of the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS). SMPS is an organization composed of business development professionals, marketing professionals, and principals from architectural, engineering, planning, interior design, construction and specialty consulting firms. Today, SMPS has 7,000+ members active in 58 chapters across the United States and Canada. This article first appeared in ©Marketer, The Journal of the Society for Marketing Professional Services, August 2019,