Let’s Play Ball! Julie Shaffer Joins the #SRCPitchPerfect Line-up

Want to improve the value of your data and automate visuals? Interested in learning about photography?
We’re excited to announce that Julie Shaffer, CPSM, will lead two upcoming sessions at the Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) 2020 Southern Regional Conference (SRC). It’s planned for January 22-24, 2020 in our hometown of Fort Worth!
Julie will first be speaking with #Datalovingmarketer Courtney Kearney, CPSM, of CKearney Consulting, covering how to use CRM/Data to create visual content. Julie and Courtney will discuss client relationship management (CRM) databases – how to implement processes to maximize your system and automate visual content to convert data into graphics and charts. Attendees will discover ways to increase user adoption, data integrity and buy-in, in order to cut down on proposal stress.
Julie will also lead a workshop on Photography 101, covering the basics of photography with hands-on practice, as well as editing in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop.
Join us in downtown Fort Worth for this great opportunity for professional learning and networking. Visit the conference website for more details and register soon! Follow along for more conference news using #SMPSSRC #SRCPitchPerfect #SRC2020 and #ShafferCreativeatSRC.
Since 2002, the annual SMPS Southern Regional Conference has occurred in participating chapter cities within the Southern Region: Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Oklahoma, San Antonio and Southeast Louisiana. The 2020 conference is scheduled for January 22-24, 2020 in Fort Worth, Texas. Read more and register at the conference website: www.smpssrc.org.
SMPS is an organization composed of business development professionals, marketing professionals, and principals from architectural, engineering, planning, interior design, construction and specialty consulting firms. Today, SMPS has 7,000+ members active in 58 chapters across the United States and Canada. For more information, visit www.smps.org.