Establish Direction and Provide Value with Marketing Planning
In a world of looming deadlines and never-ending projects, planning seems like a dream. Sometimes it seems you will never have the time. However, carving out even brief periods to research and plan is a valuable tool for navigating future project efforts. Eventually, it can become part of a well-established process for directing marketing strategy.
The value of marketing planning lies in the significance it provides to overall company goals. Every company, no matter the size, has some type of business plan. Whether it’s a formal document or just a set of goals, each company must meet key financial and operational levels to stay in business. These overall company goals are exactly what marketers should evaluate for future marketing efforts.
Aligning marketing projects with overall company goals serves as a direct link to the bottom line.
- Planning makes it easier to show results. Track progress and evaluate at key milestones.
- Planning shows the value of marketing staff. Transform the mindset and establish that marketing is a strategic partner rather than a fulfillment center.
- Planning transforms your marketing approach into a proactive system. When marketing takes the lead on upcoming projects and partners with leadership and technical staff to meet their goals, marketing staff become an even-more valued member of the company.
As marketers, we must be determined and steadfast! Transforming your approach and evaluating projects to align with company goals can be challenging at first. But, be reassured, the pay-off is great.